Chimney Repair
The necessary proud-positioning of a chimney stack inevitably leaves it exposed to everything the British weather can throw at it. If there is no chimney repair then over time they begin to deteriorate: crumbling mortar joints, decaying brickwork, dislodged pots and even complete collapse can occur.
The stack must remain completely sealed to ensure your heating remains efficient and most importantly to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning or chimney fires. Chimneys experience a continual freeze, thaw and extreme heat cycle particularly in winter. This can cause the pointing to crack and flake. As the stacks are also usually at great height this serves only to compound the problem further.
Regular inspection and maintenance can be a small price to pay in comparison to deep water ingress, chimney fire or stack collapse. In older buildings chimney decay can be an even bigger problem. Before natural gas or oil was used for heating then chimneys were built to accommodate solid fuels and were much bigger than modern-day chimneys. These chimneys are obviously even more open to the elements but in particular are more inclined to suffer from condensation and rapid spread of damp.
Avoiding Chimney Collapse
Chimney Repair Bradford
You are reliant upon your chimney to operate how it was designed to in order that fumes and potentially poisonous gases are extracted safely and efficiently. It is estimated that chimney pointing often begins to crack after twenty-five to thirty years of exposure. However particularly inclement weather, general lack of maintenance or building subsidence can all accelerate this condition.
If crumbling stacks are left unrepaired then rapid decay can occur. Pointing and brickwork can flake and fall and, in extreme cases, the flaunching can crack and dislodge the pots. Left completely unchecked complete collapse can take place. The ramifications of chimney collapse, from a health and safety viewpoint, are huge. Chimney repair is significantly cheaper than a chimney re-build. So if your stack is showing signs of decay the call us now on 07596078391 or fill in our contact form.
Benefits of Chimney Repair
* Avoid carbon monoxide
* Keep heating efficient
* Stop water ingress
* Avoid complete collapse